Nothing about anything

This is not to say anything at all but just to generate text and to keep going long after the others have disappeared.

Here is a mixture of history on items and info on process to get them progressed or stay updated.

Extend use of Scout Hut and Headway – both have been discussed in R&A meetings since May at the request of Dave Eggleton. Both have leases and suggestions would need to be in agreement with the lease holders.


At the R&A meeting earlier this month a working group was formed to investigate the need for toilets at Makins and the possibility of working with the community, including the Saracens pub to provide toilets. Nomad are keen to provide a workshop if a space did become available and they already do outreach work at the skatepark every week. This is ongoing – follow R&A minutes for updates.

Seats replaced at Top Shops – this was raised on social media a month or so ago. Parks confirmed that they were waiting for access to one of the shops there that they were stored in, once they gained access we requested that they be reinstalled. We had to get permission from the landowner. The landowner has refused and the benches are in storage for the meantime. I did post an update on social media regarding this and urged residents to get in touch with the landowners to plead the case.

Toilets at the skatepark – answered above. Follow R&A minutes to keep updated.

New footpath & wildlife motorway – this can be taken to the Open Spaces committee (conservation warden and HWG are members) but may need to go to other committees for approval. We can get the ball rolling at the next meeting in January. Follow Open and Green Spaces minutes to be updated. Get in touch with me or Becky Walker at the town hall to share ideas/info.