Henley Residents Group is committed to continually doing what’s best for Henley and making it a great place to live and work.
We take our responsibility to the residents of Henley very seriously. Below are details of our election commitments on the issues that we think matter most right now. We welcome discussions on any of these issues.
- Townlands is now being built; we will make sure the hospital is delivered with the facilities Henley needs.
- Build the Skatepark on Makins Recreation Ground, after so much hard work by young people in Henley.
- Create a splash park on Mill meadows.
- Improve air quality in Henley: cycle routes, electric buses looping round the town every 15 minutes.
- Work with OCC to reduce HGVs that go through Henley
- Affordable homes with a local lettings policy for local people and key workers nurses and teachers.
- Support the YMCA to retain its housing – affordable, good quality homes for young people with a connection to Henley.
- Continue to support Henley in Bloom.
- Continue to give grants to Henley clubs and societies. Including a new sports grant.
- As part of the planned developments in Reading Road, build a new clubhouse for AFC Henley and the Henley Hockey Club on Jubilee Park.
- Make sure, with SODC and Biffa, that all streets in Henley are deep cleaned and kept clean.