HRG – Active for Henley for more than 30 years!
Welcome to Henley Residents Group (HRG) website.
HRG is an independent body, registered as a political party, but acting purely in the best interests of Henley.
In this website you will find information about:
- How we represent Henley
- What we stand for
- Our achievements – current and past
- Recent news
- How you can support HRG
Currently, HRG Councillors have been elected and hold:
- The Mayor of Henley
- Eleven of the sixteen seats on the Henley Town Council
- The three representatives for Henley on the South Oxfordshire District Council
- The one representative for Henley on the Oxfordshire County Council
Latest News
Report written by Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak. All views are his own. Report for the six-week Council cycle ending Tuesday 14th Nov This report is a summary to keep HRG members and other residents up to date with things that have been happening. After each six-week cycle of Council meetings, a new report […]Follow HRG on Twitter
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