Core Beliefs

What We Stand for

Our beliefs focus on what makes Henley special and are integral to life in Henley – our environment, our community, and our economy.


Marsh Meadows Henley on Thames Kings Arms Barn - Henley on Thames
  • A visually attractive urban landscape
  • Pleasant rural surroundings
  • A rich heritage


  • A mixed economy with commercial organisations of all sizes working in partnership with the community
  • Aiming for economic self-sufficiency within the Town, providing opportunities for all
  • Promoting affordable housing for Henley families
  • Managing Henley’s public assets efficiently and effectively



  • The right size – a town with a village culture
  • A shared pride in Henley’s international stature
  • A common sense of tradition
  • A diverse and dynamic environment – entrepreneurial and successful
  • A friendly atmosphere which welcomes newcomers
  • Huge numbers and variety of community groups
  • Thriving sporting clubs; excellent recreation and leisure facilities
  • A balance and respect of young and old


Our Values

As we are all based in Henley, we are constantly aware of the issues that are important to Henley’s residents, and our values are that we should act:


Independently We act without influence from national party politics or other non-Henley organisations.
With Responsibility: Precautionary Principle We always remember that developments have irreversible effects on the environment, on people and the economy, and that we have a responsibility to hand on an improved inheritance to our descendants. This means attempting to think through the likely consequences of actions that we take in order to avoid foreseeable adverse consequences.
Honestly and transparently We abide by all well-established norms of behaviour in our dealing both with people and with money. Our decisions are open to public examination and criticism.
Fairly All of our dealings should be equitable or, at worst, should not disadvantage one group or person for the benefit of another group or person. We will not benefit one part of the community at the expense of another.
With involvement The Town Council does not do everything but can capture the energies of the town at large to carry out a wide range of activities that will enhance the community – as with the Henley Partnership.


Our vision

Henley will not remain special by itself. Standards and expectations rise and we face competition from outside. As a result we need to improve Henley. We need to continually invest in new projects. It takes effort and commitment to do this.

HRG is committed to promoting these efforts and supporting those who demonstrate commitments to the town that we share, and the values we appreciate.