Is the Town Council soft on crime?
- Policing of Henley is the remit of the South Oxfordshire District Council.
- In 2017 the Conservative led SODC cut funding for special police officers (PCSOs) in Henley. Against Conservative opposition, HRG Councillors maintained the value of the precept (Henley share of council tax) partially in order to finance PCSOs for the town. HRG acted to ensure a responsible decision for the Town.
- The local Conservatives have petitioned for six months calling for “a fairer allocation of police resources for the Town” addressed to the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner. The commissioner, a Conservative Councillor elsewhere, came to speak to the Town Councillors. He told the Councillors Henley has its fair share of police resources. NO Conservative Councillor challenged him.
- HRG continues to support the funding of PCSOs in Henley.