Henley is a very successful and vibrant town but faces the same challenges as all small towns with respect to the sustainability of the High Street, traffic issues and housing for all who want to live and work here.
HRG aims to enhance the quality of life & well being of Henley residents and to strengthen our local economy and community.
We have consulted Henley residents with open meetings, an online survey and by listening to everyone we meet.
- Reduce HGV through-traffic with an 18T limit with OCC
- Improve parking capacity to include 15 minute parking bays near Machin’s
- New crossing on Bell Street near Rupert House School
- Expand capacity for Henley Car Club with electric vehicles
- Promote Henley as a place to visit, live, work & play
- Support Henley’s residents and businesses by creating a Banking Hub
- Defend our commercial sites & local employment opportunities
- Improve Henley’s vitality with new Marketplace events
- Make the Henley Bus Service 5 days a week
- 40% affordable housing, social rental and a community land bank
- More clinics at Townlands from Royal Berkshire Hospital
- Invest in our sports clubs, playgrounds and a new 4G pitch at Jubilee Park
- A Youth Congress for Henley and support for the Henley Music School
- Address Climate Emergency issues, embed sustainability & protect nature
- £300 grants to groups & residents to improve their neighbourhoods
- Improve air quality for residents by reducing HGVs supported by SODC
- Reducing our landfill waste, tackling plastics and install recycling bins
- Cleaning our streets, including deep cleans and reduce litter
- Campaign to reduce sewerage outflows into the Thames