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Good news travels fast!
A lot of people were already queuing at bus stops on Saturday to take advantage of free rides for the day on our splendid ecobus. HRG Cllr Donna Crook was on board from the start, handing out copies of the new timetable. Passengers on the 10:05 to Townlands Hospital, however, ...

Dear Sir
When HRG regained control of the Town Council in 2017, one of its priorities was to deliver improved local bus services.
It achieved this objective in August last year when the Town Council introduced a new Monday to Friday bus service. This service uses gas ...
To the Editor of the Henley Standard
Your story on Council Tax rises (Mar 1st) reports that under HRG, Henley Council is levying a precept rise which is “below the average of other Town and Parish councils in South Oxon”. The average Band D council tax for Henley will be just under £96 for 2019-2020.
HRG has always committed to keeping ...
To the Editor of the Henley Standard
In November I announced that I had left the Conservatives. I would now like to announce that I have joined HRG and plan to stand as an HRG candidate in the elections on May 2nd.
In the year since ...
Dear Editor,
In a recent survey conducted by Henley Residents Group, the issue of providing ‘affordable housing’ was a high priority.
But this is a challenge – the ‘affordable housing’ being built on housing sites in the Joint Henley and Harpsden Neighbourhood ...
“Climate Emergency”
Dear Sir,
On behalf of Henley Residents Group, I just wanted to say how very pleased I was that Henley in Transition took the initiative to raise the issue of the “climate emergency” (featured extensively in the Henley Standard in ...

What a fun morning and #SantaRun that was!
Well done to everyone who turned up and joined in.
All proceeds to the @henleymayor1 charities. It was great fun, especially being serenaded with #Christmas songs by @henleymusicsch.
Thanks to: Pam Phillips, whose idea this originally was, worked away ...

A keenly fought fun quiz resulted in a moral victory of Cllr Ken’s team of six over the Mayor’s team of ten (on equal points) – with four more teams close behind!
Cllr Stefan was in excellent form as ever as quizmaster extraordinaire, and the whole party was challenged by ...