Do you want to keep this footpath open?

Henley Footpath No.33

Modification Order 2020 – Ref:03400 /consultation…  your view counts!

HRG Councillor Michelle Thomas, together with the Henley Town Council, has valiantly pursued reinstating the footpath that once linked Newtown Road to Mill Lane.

The path runs from A to B on the map and we are appealing to Henley Manor Care Homes to reinstate this path for Henley.


The footpath is a valuable community asset and links Henley Train Station with Mill Lane following a route from the end of the station car park along a path between the railway line and Perpetual Park and then along Newtown Road as far as the gates of what used to be LA Fitness – which is now the grounds of Henley Manor Care Home. The pathway used to run along the fence of the LA Fitness car park into Mill Lane but was blocked off by the builders of the care home.

This is an alternative route for the Thames Path and provides safe access for all walkers, be they residents or visitors, so that they can avoid both the busy Reading Road and the floodplains of Mill and Marsh Meadow.

Oxfordshire County Council has decided this footpath should be reinstated and is undertaking a consultation seeking your views.

If you would like more information visit:-  but this site is very complex and difficult to navigate.

Your support is needed to finish the project.

Please email your support for the footpath before December 11, 2020


Reference:  Henley-on-Thames Footpath No.33    Modification Order 2020 – Ref:03400

A simple expression of support for the footpath is sufficient, but add any comments regarding the need to keep footpaths open as you wish.



Please share this with others who will give their support


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