Posts Tagged “Henley Residents Group”
Introducing our outstanding HRG candidate Michelle Thomas:
She is an experienced business woman and has proved herself as a tireless campaigner. But Michelle can speak for herself…
Last Thursday, 18th January 2018, there was a by-election in Henley North ward and the results were:
- Donna Crook (Con) 577 votes
- Paula Isaac (HRG) 484 votes
- Jackie Walker (Lab) 131 votes
Henley’s two wards, North and South, are divided by Greys Road. The Town Hall being in Henley North.
If you live in the South Ward, you might have had little awareness of the by-election, if you live in the North Ward, you can’t have missed it!

HRG protect services while keeping council tax rise to 12p per week – why it makes sense to restore the Town Council’s share of council tax.
The Town Council’s tax income for services has been cut every year in real terms since 2014. We are saying it should be restored to its original level to help make up for service cuts by the District and County councils. And remember this is only for the small part of council tax that goes to Henley Town Council: the increase is just 12 pence a week for a Band D household.
HRG announces candidate for Henley North Ward
HRG Leader, Gill Dodds, announced today Paula Isaac has been nominated HRG’s candidate for the Town’s North Ward by-election on 18th January 2018.
Paula has lived in the North Ward of Henley for most of her life, and works at Badgemore Primary School. She has three children and is already very active in community work.