I’m extremely grateful and pleased that the residents and voters of Henley have put their trust in me for another 4 years. I was pleasantly surprised by the voting numbers, I have tried my hardest to do a good job over the last 4 years and it is good to see that a majority of Henley voters can see that.
There are still some outstanding projects that I will turn my attention to during the next four years, notably the HGV ban.
There are still some Henley roads that are in a shocking state and need repair and equally as shocking pavements. I will continue to address these during my term.
Another thing I will be turning my attention to is Sue Ryder and residential palliative care in the South of Oxfordshire. It is unbelievable that we have no residential end of life care in this area of the county. Why should people who are terminally ill have to go all the way to Maidenhead and Reading to get the care they need. With their relatives, many elderly themselves, also having to travel long distances just to be able to see them. This, along with adult social care in Oxfordshire, will certainly form part of my agenda in the next couple of years to ensure that we get better services from the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the County Council.
This election is a win for me and also for HRG, the Henley Residents Group. I must thank my team of 25 people who worked on my campaign in HRG. We work as a team and although we are all independent, we are co-operative with each other to get things done.
Special thanks go to Ken Arlett, Kellie Hinton, Glen Lambert, Gill Dodds and Jane Smewing who supported me personally and did an incredible amount of hard work for the campaign.
Let’s get back to work!!