To the Editor of the Henley Standard
Dear Sir
In April 2018, Bluebells Day Centre, based at the Christchurch Centre and operated by AgeUK, closed its service because of Oxfordshire County Council and Clinical Commissioning Group grant cuts. The loss of the Bluebells service, after 20 years, was a huge blow to all those who benefited from it.
I’m delighted that Bluebells Day Centre has been re-established as an independent registered charity and plans to reopen its doors, back at the Christ Church Centre, in April. As a town, we should pay a special tribute to Glen Lambert, the Mayor, who led the project from the start when he heard of Bluebells’ dilemmas. He has been instrumental in restoring Bluebells and securing the funding required.
There are very few of us that have not had family members or friends who need care resulting from Dementia. Providing respite and specialist advice nowadays is so important to allow patients and their carers to manage in what is often a mental and physical struggle.
Bluebells’ relaunch shows that, with energy, vision and commitment, politicians and community leaders working together does make a difference. I wish all those involved with Bluebells the utmost success.
Yours sincerely,