Townlands Steering Group – Townlands Services Consultation

The TSG meeting on June 9th considered the answers given to the questions that the TSG had notified to the Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) in advance. The TSG also considered the answers given by the CCG to the members of the public who asked an extensive set of detailed and searching questions.

It ... 

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Conservative Cllrs Push Through Neighbourhood Plan

Now to be Submitted Without Transport Strategy.

Conservative Cllrs voted through the latest draft of the Neighbourhood Plan on Tuesday 23rd June which means the plan will be submitted to South Oxon District Council without a Transport Strategy. This overturned the resolution from a Special Full Council ... 

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HRG AGM – This Thursday!

HRG AGM – This Thursday!

Please remember…

On Thursday 25th June, the HRG AGM will be held at 7.30pm in the Barn, Henley.

You are very welcome to come along.

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HRG Election Results

Last weeks Town Council and District elections turned out to be much more closely fought than those at national level, and HRG fought a very strong campaign with a fresh new team. Now that the dust has settled we’re very pleased to report that not only did we increase the number of HRG Councillors ... 

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Townlands Status Report – Latest

Townlands report

Since the meeting on the 26th March the following have taken place:

1. Plans for the new model of care have been provided to the TSG and are on the TSG pages on the HTC website.

2. IR is in regular phone contact with Libby Furness who is leading the CCG project.

3. The subgroup (IR, PA, ... 

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HRG statement on Townlands

The new hospital at Townlands is being built and will certainly open in the next 12 months with an excellent set of services which are so important to the community. This is a magnificent result and thanks to the community and the TSG which has been so effective in fighting this battle for over 10 ... 

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Reasons to Vote HRG

Reasons to Vote HRG

Click on the images below to see what Henley Residents Group have helped Henley to achieve over the last 25 years, and our commitments for the future.

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HRG Announces Candidates for Henley Town Council Election

HRG Announces Candidates for Henley Town Council Election

HRG have now announced are pleased to announce that we will be fielding 11 candidates in the May 2015 Henley Town election. They include existing councillors Stefan Gawrysiak, Ian Reissman and Kellie Hinton. You can see the full list of May 2015 candidates here... 

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Townlands Steering Group Developments

Townlands Steering Group Developments

The Townlands Steering Group’s vision of a new hospital for Henley is about to be achieved. Construction is on target to deliver a wonderful health campus this year – thanks to the perseverance of HRG Councillors, and the solid support of the entire community. However, the construction has ... 

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New HRG Team elected to run Election Campaign

The Henley Residents Group have elected new officers and Executive Committee members putting in place a team to run the election campaign in the run up to the council election in May 2015. The Hrg General Meeting took place in the Margaret Day room in the Barn on December 8th. (Picture).

HRG founder ... 

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