SUE RYDER – Update from TSG

Townlands Steering Group: Sue Ryder Hospice

The Oxon Clinical Commissioning Group (or CCG) commission and pay for NHS services, including End of Life/Palliative Care, across Oxfordshire

The Townlands Steering Group has been engaged with the CCG and other stakeholders since Sue Ryder announced on Jan 14, 2020, that the Sue Ryder Hospice at Joyce Grove, Nettlebed was to close at the end of March.

On 12th March Townlands Steering Group representatives met again with the Oxon Clinical Commissioning Group Deputy CEO and End of Life lead to hear clarification of the status of the   Hospice and End of Life care in SE Oxfordshire.

The CCG explained that although the remaining 6 beds would be closed, Joyce Grove would continue to operate the other equally important services: the Day Service, the Helpline as well as the administrative hub for the Hospice at Home service.

Although there remain serious concerns around the loss of the beds, the continuation of these other services will come as a real relief to the many patients and families in need of End of Life/Palliative care services in this part of Oxfordshire.

The CCG managers explained that they were continuing to examine future arrangements and ensure that patients’ need for beds as well as the other services will continue to be met. The CCG was clear that there would be no lack of continuity for Day Service,; the Helpline; and the administrative hub for the Hospice at Home service.

The CCG recognised that the evidence base to support the change to the bedded End Of Life/Palliative care services existed and undertook to share as much data as possible with the TSG and the community. The CCG also accepted that closure of beds should be reconsidered at this time of major crisis and undertook to discuss this with Sue Ryder.

The TSG will continue to raise community concerns with the CCG and other stakeholders to ensure that this vital service continues to meet the needs of patients and ensure that the community is reassured that their needs are being met.

Cllr Ian Reissmann

Chair Townlands Steering Group

23 March 2020

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