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Councillor Martin Akehurst (Con) has resigned from Henley Town Council due to advice from his consultant and doctor.
Martin joined the Henley Residents Group party in 2009 and was elected as Town Councillor in 2010. In November 2014 half way through his year as mayor, he resigned from HRG and declared ...
Councillor Dylan Thomas (Con) has resigned as a member of Henley Town Council. Dylan who has been a Town Councillor for almost two years has accepted a new job in the public sector in Whitehall. It is important that he is seen to be politically impartial so he has therefore decided to vacate his seat ...
On Thursday 4 May 2017, all 63 seats on the county council will be up for re-election. Polling stations in the 61 divisions across the county will open at 7am for voting and close at 10pm.
Exactly who will be standing for election in each division will be known after the close of nominations at 4pm ...
JOHN HOWELL seems to have had enough of the criticism coming his way recently.
The Henley MP has come under fire for the perceived failure of the joint Henley and Harpsden neighbourhood plan to dictate planning policy.
He even disagreed with his fellow Henley Conservatives who messaged him on Twitter, ...
THE decision to allow the site of the former LA Fitness gym in Henley to be turned into an 80-bed care home will not be scrutinised by the Government.
Planning minister Gavin Barwell has refused a request by opponents for it to be “called in” and examined by a planning inspector.

Townlands Hospital without any beds? It will happen unless we all march in protest Sat July 11th at 10am.
The TSG meeting on June 9th considered the answers given to the questions that the TSG had notified to the Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) in advance. The TSG also considered the answers given by the CCG to the members of the public who asked an extensive set of detailed and searching questions.
It ...
Now to be Submitted Without Transport Strategy.
Conservative Cllrs voted through the latest draft of the Neighbourhood Plan on Tuesday 23rd June which means the plan will be submitted to South Oxon District Council without a Transport Strategy. This overturned the resolution from a Special Full Council ...

Please remember…
On Thursday 25th June, the HRG AGM will be held at 7.30pm in the Barn, Henley.
You are very welcome to come along.
Last weeks Town Council and District elections turned out to be much more closely fought than those at national level, and HRG fought a very strong campaign with a fresh new team. Now that the dust has settled we’re very pleased to report that not only did we increase the number of HRG Councillors ...