Archive For The “Townlands” Category

No? – Then please let us know why not
Yes? – Help us to improve the service
Henley Town Council wants to know how to improve the Bus service routes 151, 152, and 153, and how to encourage more people to use the service.
We value your opinions and would like to know what you think.
Please respond to the online survey as a USER or as a NON-USER
The survey takes less ...

Townlands Hospital without any beds? It will happen unless we all march in protest Sat July 11th at 10am.
The TSG meeting on June 9th considered the answers given to the questions that the TSG had notified to the Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) in advance. The TSG also considered the answers given by the CCG to the members of the public who asked an extensive set of detailed and searching questions.
It ...