Archive For The “Town and Community” Category

No? – Then please let us know why not
Yes? – Help us to improve the service
Henley Town Council wants to know how to improve the Bus service routes 151, 152, and 153, and how to encourage more people to use the service.
We value your opinions and would like to know what you think.
Please respond to the online survey as a USER or as a NON-USER
The survey takes less ...

Monday morning in the life of Councillor Eggleton
So what is Dave Eggleton doing this morning?
Just gardening, clearing up the planted tubs in front of the Town Hall. Kellie’s there too.
Is that his job?
No he does it voluntarily, between his own paid work.
And what happens when an elderly gentleman takes a fall on the pavement across the road?
Dave ...
JOHN HOWELL seems to have had enough of the criticism coming his way recently.
The Henley MP has come under fire for the perceived failure of the joint Henley and Harpsden neighbourhood plan to dictate planning policy.
He even disagreed with his fellow Henley Conservatives who messaged him on Twitter, ...

Townlands Hospital without any beds? It will happen unless we all march in protest Sat July 11th at 10am.
Now to be Submitted Without Transport Strategy.
Conservative Cllrs voted through the latest draft of the Neighbourhood Plan on Tuesday 23rd June which means the plan will be submitted to South Oxon District Council without a Transport Strategy. This overturned the resolution from a Special Full Council ...
Townlands report
Since the meeting on the 26th March the following have taken place:
1. Plans for the new model of care have been provided to the TSG and are on the TSG pages on the HTC website.
2. IR is in regular phone contact with Libby Furness who is leading the CCG project.
3. The subgroup (IR, PA, ...