After 25 years are these bins still fit for a tourist town?

To Refurbish or to Replace? HTC considers the dilemma!
The Town Clerk, Sheridan Jacklin-Edward has responded to questions raised be the Council’s proposal to spend up to £25,000 on refurbishing the Town’s rubbish bins.
Sheridan said, “Firstly, in this matter, as in all others, the ...
Do you want to keep this footpath open?

Henley Footpath No.33
Modification Order 2020 – Ref:03400 /consultation… your view counts!
HRG Councillor Michelle Thomas, together with the Henley Town Council, has valiantly pursued reinstating the footpath that once linked Newtown Road to Mill Lane.
The path runs from A to B on the map and we are appealing to Henley Manor Care Homes to reinstate this path for Henley.
The footpath ...
Henley Town’s bus service restarts 13th October 2020

The Henley Hopper, the new Henley Town Bus Service, will launch on Tuesday 13th October 2020. TK Travel, a local, family run company, has been appointed by the Council to provide this vital community service. A new 22 seater Mellor Strata bus, with a low emission Euro VI engine, has arrived at TK Travel’s depot and will soon start to travel the 151, 152 and 153 routes covered by the previous bus service. The service is programmed to start on Tuesday 13th October and a low key launch event will be held on Saturday 17 the October when residents are invited to come and see the bus, meet staff from TK Travel and see the sanitising processes that the company uses to help make the service as safe as possible. The service is not profit-making and is supported through housing developer financial contributions, and a subsidy from Henley Town Council, which has been supporting the routes since Oxfordshire County Council removed all its bus subsidies as a cost-cutting measure in 2016. TK Travel are a family run company, voted “Best Minibus and Coach Hire Company in South East England” in 2019 by SME News. They are taking their responsibilities with regard to the Coronavirus pandemic very seriously and can be seen sanitising their coaches on a video on their website: ...
Improvements to Northfield End Triangle Complete

Improvements to and protection of one of the oldest and most beautiful corners of Henley are finally complete!
Henley Parks Services and local residents have cooperated to restore the York Stone and to plant and landscape a plot of land in Northfield End.
The land had been the subject of a long-running dispute but is now confirmed as public land.
Back in 1993, the status of the A423 through Henley ...
Memorial Benches in the Cemetery ARE Allowed

Contrary to recent reports, Henley Town Council still does allow memorial benches in the Fairmile cemetery.
Many residents have been upset at the story in last week’s Henley Std: “Council Ban on Cemetery Seats”.However, the council has made clear:
- Benches are still allowed
- No benches have been removed
- Families who have benches are all being contacted by Town Council officers
- After discussions with families, benches that are unsafe or in an inappropriate place will need to be moved
The Town Council will work with all families sympathetically and sensitively to make sure that those families with loved ones buried in the cemetery ...
Townlands Hospital – Top floor to open

The persistence of HRG Councillors pays off!
The Townlands Steering Group was established in 2003 to prevent the threatened closure of hospital services, and secure the long term provision and extension of these services on the Townlands site by the redevelopment of the health and support facilities.
HRG Councillor, and former mayor, Ian Reissmann ...
We need your help to stop HGVs

Our Councillors are working to stop HGVs using our town as a “rat run”
The Henley Herald has kindly set up an online petition for the introduction of a 7.5-tonne weight limit for Henley to combat the huge 20-40 Tonne HVGs that use our town as a cut through to shorten their journey times (HGVs delivering or collecting within ...
Henley Annual Town Meeting 2020

Mayor Making Corvid-19 style
At the Annual Meeting of the Henley Town Council this morning, Cllr KenArlett and Cllr Dave Eggleton were both re-elected to serve a second year as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Town Council.
This very unusual occurrence was proposed because of the exceptional circumstances created by the ...
SUE RYDER – Update from TSG

Townlands Steering Group: Sue Ryder Hospice
The Oxon Clinical Commissioning Group (or CCG) commission and pay for NHS services, including End of Life/Palliative Care, across Oxfordshire
The Townlands Steering Group has been engaged with the CCG and other stakeholders since Sue Ryder announced on Jan 14, 2020, that the Sue Ryder Hospice at Joyce ...