Author Archive

I would like to thank everyone that has contributed so far to the preparations for the Henley MayFayre, taking place in the Market Place on Monday 6th May from 12 – 5pm.
It’s a wonderful community event that I hope all the family will enjoy.
We have planned a superb day of music, dance, drama. To ...

Dear Sir
The incompetent parking contractor at Townlands Memorial Hospital has had their contract cancelled.In March 2017 a new parking system was introduced at the Townlands site covering the Memorial Hospital, Care Home and GP surgeries.
In August 2018 lay members of the Clinical Commissioning Group, including members of the Townlands Steering Group (TSG), met ...

Monday morning in the life of Councillor Eggleton
So what is Dave Eggleton doing this morning?
Just gardening, clearing up the planted tubs in front of the Town Hall. Kellie’s there too.
Is that his job?
No he does it voluntarily, between his own paid work.
And what happens when an elderly gentleman takes a fall on the pavement across the road?
Dave ...

After months of searching it seems that Henley Town Council has found the answer.
The first of three deep cleans of the town centre is underway.
The Totally Floorless, a Henley based cleaning company, uses a machine with minimal jets of water and rotating blades to clean the York stone of grime ...

To the Editor of the Henley Standard
Dear Sir
I have over the past few weeks canvassed many households in Henley, and one topic that comes up time and again is the affordability of housing in Henley, and the unavailability of lower cost/social housing.
I believe people ...

Letter to the editor of the Henley Standard
Dear Sir
I have been on the Henley Town Council for 8 years, District Councillor for 4 and County Councillor for 2 years.
I believe it is an enormous privilege to serve Henley and also get things done. As a consequence, I work my socks off for Henley.
Henley ...
Letter to the editor of the Henley Standard
Apologies for banging on about Henley Conservatives (sorry, more correctly, their superiors, Watlington Conservative HQ), but they really do take the biscuit – jammy dodgers most likely.
Recent ‘promises’ (if elected) include the “transformation” ...

To the Editor of the Henley Standard
Thank you for having published the list of candidates for election to Henley Town Council.
I see that Conservative Headquarters in Watlington has a number of innovative surprises for the residents of Henley-on-Thames.
Not only ...

To the Editor of the Henley Standard
Dear Sir
As a long-standing resident of Gainsborough Estate, I am very aware of the amount of traffic that uses Greys Road, often travelling at some speed.
As a result, I am very concerned about the safety of pedestrians of all ages ...

Letter to the Editor of the Henley Standard
Particulate Monitoring
Henley suffers from poor air quality. Our air does not qualify for a clean air label and has not done so for nearly 15 years.
South Oxfordshire District Council measures Nitrogen Dioxide and quite regularly we don’t meet Government ...